5 Things to Avoid on Your CV

Common Mistakes On A CV

30th November 2022

When it comes to applying for a job, your CV is the gateway to an interview with an employer. This means that your dream job is only possible with a great CV, so you want to make sure it’s as good as it can possibly be. 

Don’t fall into the trap of others, here are 5 things to avoid on your CV and tips on what not to include. 

When it comes to the interview stage, you can express yourself a bit more and if an employer is looking for more detail, then they will ask.

Spelling Mistakes 

Having spelling mistakes on your CV is a big red flag for many employers. This is because it shows a lack of attention to detail and quality, which doesn’t bode well for day-to-day tasks that employers are looking for. There are also many tools out there like spell check that should ensure that spelling mistakes are a thing of the past. 

Gaps in your work history 

Large gaps in your work history will leave employers with many unanswered questions, especially if they are particularly large gaps. For many people, there are often genuine reasons, such as childcare, injury or even further education, but a CV must include reasons why, otherwise employers will question what happened. 

Making it too long 

You may have a rich history and one that you are proud of, but employers are looking to use your CV to get a snapshot of who you are, where you’ve been and what you’ve done, not a full inquest into every day of your life. 

When it comes to the interview stage, you can express yourself a bit more and if an employer is looking for more detail, then they will ask. But a CV is a short view of who you are, not the full picture. 

Not being relevant to the job 

It’s important to ensure that your CV is relevant to the job that you are applying for. This makes it clear that you are best suited to the role that you are applying for in the eyes of the employer. You might be clear in why you are best suited to a particular job, but does your CV make that clear to the employer? 

Talk yourself up 

In your career, you have likely achieved many things. So why not talk about it? On many CVs, people fail to talk up what they have successfully accomplished at work, focusing on dates of service rather than rewards. 

Employers want to hear about all the great things you’ve done so that they can bring it to their organisation. So, talk yourself up. Once you do, you can then start to think about the interview and how you’ll handle that. 

A great CV gets a great job 

Now that your CV is free of errors and you know what to avoid on your CV, perhaps it’s time to start thinking about writing a resignation letter. If not now, then hopefully soon. Wherever you are on your job application journey, make sure to get in touch with us here at PE Global, we’ll help you to take the next step in your career.

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